Libertarians of Orange County: Christian Perley & Isabel Sam (along with Isabel’s daughter), center, and Ralph Groves, right, joined in a rally at Disney World that supported parental rights in education, 16 April 2022.

Dear Libertarian Party of Orange County & Libertarian friends from other counties:
Our usual monthly meeting will occur next TUESDAY, the 19th of April.
Our venue:
1301 Atlanta Ave.
Orlando, FL 32806
Contact (407) 872-1117
Meet & greet will occur at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will start at 6:30.
Our speaker will be one of our own: Isabel Sam. She will present plans for Libertarian rallies in May and distribute signs & flyers for those rallies. In addition, she will give details of a party on the 5th of November.
When you come to our meeting, please bring your friends to boost our membership.
6 April 2022
Libertarian Party of Orange County
PO Box 679334
Orlando, Fl 32867
To: Florida House Representatives & Florida Senators whose districts include Orange County
Libertarian Party of Orange County
The Libertarian Party of Orange County supports Parental Rights in Education (House Bill 1557). Among its provisions, we agree that parents should be notified and involved in decisions affecting their children’s mental, emotional, and physical well-being. In addition, we agree that it is correct to prohibit classroom discussion about sexual and gender matters for pre-pubescent children. Classroom focus should be on skills needed for future employment and civic life, e.g. math, sciences, and humanities. Sexual/gender topics can be discussed in high school biology classes when children are pubescent. In summary, we Libertarians believe it is correct that parents should have greater oversight over their children’s education while protecting children from topics that are not age-appropriate. Of note, most Floridians agree with Parental Rights in Education, including 69% of Republicans, 62% of Democrats and 57% of Independents. In conclusion, we Libertarians reiterate our preference for a school voucher/backpack/fund students system to further empower parents as to the schools their children attend.
Ralph Groves
Libertarian Party of Orange County
We will be rallying at Busch Gardens on May 7th. Come on out and bring the family for a day of fun.

We are crashing Megacon. Come on out.

For those who don’t know, BLEXIT is the conservative movement’s initiative to try to get more black individuals to lose trust in the Democratic Party and join the GOP, but we want give another alternative.

Come on out and help us protest Disney to show that Libertarians are active.

Joe Biden issued an executive order on March 9th that sets the stage for a government backed CryptoCurrency. A Federal Digital Currency (FDC) would allow the government to track ALL transactions. It’s beyond Orwellian – with an FDC, the government can stop you from paying anyone they don’t approve of. FDC makes it impossible to pay anyone, from undocumented workers to contractors, or even your hair dresser. We saw bank accounts frozen in Canada with the Freedom Convoy. Will America be next? With an FDC there are no anonymous donations to the charity of your choice. Gone is the ability to anonymously spend on the recreational activity of your choice. Every single transaction is tracked, followed, and logged. FDC is one of the most significant infringements on Liberty in recent years. Independent currencies are essential to our freedom. We must bring the liberty and crypto communities together NOW to defend this right. I’ll be speaking about this at Bitcoin 2022, but the conversation can’t stop there. On Saturday, April 9th at 11 AM, I am hosting a roundtable brunch at Havana 1957 in Miami Beach. We’ll have Crypto superstars Dan Held, Jessica Vaugn, and Mark Moss plus Liberty legends Martha Bueno and Lyn Ulbricht. Get your tickets as soon as possible and join us to make an impact in bringing these communities together. Hope to see you there! – Jo Jorgensen |

Libertarians are attending this! Please RSVP to by 8pm April 7th so you have a Libertarian sign at the event.

During their November 2021 meeting, the Libertarian Party of Orange County (LPOC) hosted a second speaker on the theme of community volunteerism. On that theme, Scott Billeu, Director of the Matthew’s Hope charity in Winter Garden (pictured center), presented details about Matthew’s Hope and its many volunteers who help the homeless in West Orange County. In addition, at the November meeting, the existing LPOC officers were re-elected for another year in office: Ralph Groves, Chairman; Will Dukes, Vice Chairman; Wayne Jackman, Treasurer; and Christian Perley, Secretary.