Dear Commissioner Larry Brinson, Ocoee City Commission:
We of the Libertarian Party of Orange County (LPOC) agree with the need to improve human rights for Black people, as expressed by the Black Lives Matter movement. In addition, we recognize that our nation’s justice system is broken and needs reform to prevent prosecutorial malfeasance from incarcerating innocent people — often disproportionally large numbers of Black people.
We take this opportunity to amplify our erstwhile support for a historical marker — planned for later this year — to commemorate the massacre of Black people in Ocoee a century ago. We aspire to an egalitarian community in Ocoee where such massacres will never again occur.
Broadening the issue of Black Lives Matter, the LPOC Chairman has long advocated enhanced medical research for development of a vaccine against malaria. Malaria kills hundreds of thousands of Africans every year — mostly African children under the age of five.
Please send our sentiments, expressed above, to Mayor Rusty Johnson and all Ocoee City Commissioners.
Thank you and best wishes.
Ralph Groves, Ocoee Resident, District 1
Libertarian Party of Orange County
Florida Jo Jorgensen Campaign Coordinator, Chandler Langevin.
The Libertarian Party of Orange County invites candidates for election to speak at our meetings without regard to party affiliation.
Being a guest speaker does not imply any type of endorsement from the Party.
We will be meeting on August 18th, 2020 at the Orlando Brewing at 1301 Atlanta Ave, Orlando, Fl 32806
Join us for a meet and greet starting at 6PM followed by our business meeting at 6:30PM.
All are welcome to the social and to hear our Featured Speaker as well to attend the Business Meeting which will follow.
Andrew Darling for Orange County Sheriff speaking about his candidacy followed by Q&A. – https://andrewdarling.com/
The Libertarian Party of Orange County invites candidates for election to speak at our meetings without regard to party affiliation.
Being a guest speaker does not imply any type of endorsement from the Party.
We will be meeting on July 21st, 2020 at the Orlando Brewing at 1301 Atlanta Ave, Orlando, Fl 32806
Join us for a meet and greet starting at 6PM followed by our business meeting at 6:30PM.
All are welcome to the social and to hear our Featured Speaker as well to attend the Business Meeting which will follow.
First hand accounts from members who attended BlackLivesMatter protests in downtown Orlando. Followed by discussion on libertarian solutions for a broken justice system.
We will be meeting on June 23rd, 2020 at the Orlando Brewing at 1301 Atlanta Ave, Orlando, Fl 32806
Join us for a meet and greet starting at 6PM followed by our business meeting at 6:30PM.
All are welcome to the social and to hear our Featured Speaker as well to attend the Business Meeting which will follow.
May 25, 2020
Contact: Steven Nekhaila,
Chairman, Libertarian Party of Florida
KEY WEST, Fla. – The Libertarian Party of Florida congratulates Libertarian presidential running team Jo Jorgensen and Spike Cohen in the first-ever national political convention conducted solely online.
More than a thousand Libertarian Party delegates attended the two-day Convention this past weekend. The gathering ended Sunday but will be reconvened in in-person in Orlando for business meetings this July. Party veteran Jo Jorgensen was nominated as the Libertarian presidential nominee following four rounds of elimination voting. Jeremy “Spike” Cohen was chosen as her running mate after three rounds.
Steven Nekhaila
“This was a historic event that will go down in history as the combination of forward thinking and ingenuity to elect a Presidential and Vice-Presidential nominee in the age of COVID-19,” said LPF Chair Steven Nekhaila. “I am very proud of our Florida delegation and team for doing our part. I am also pleased with the support of the Libertarian National Committee staff for helping to make this a reality. We are excited to support our nominee’s and bring a third real option to constituents in all 50 States including Florida this November!”
A total of 54 Florida delegates and 16 alternates participated in the voting. Nationwide, 1,026 delegates voted to elect Jorgensen, a senior lecturer in psychology at Clemson University. Jorgensen, 63, was Harry Browne’s running mate in 1996. Florida delegates favored Georgia neighbor John Monds in early rounds, they supported party stalwart Vermin Supreme in the final round.
Floridians favored Cohen throughout the three vice-president ballots. Cohen, 37, was initially slated with presidential candidate Vermin Supreme. Supreme fell off the rounds and Cohen went on to the vice-presidential win.
For the most part, the two-day online event went smoothly. Some technical issues and confusion about participation persisted, but failed to prevent the thousands of votes.
“I think overall things went well for a first-time event,” said delegate Chris Jones, vice chair of the LPF Alachua County affiliate. “I think the Florida delegation did a phenomenal job using a separate app for communication and coordination. The Zoom interface definitely did leave much of the delegation somewhat out of the process.”
– By J. Mark Barfield, Staff Writer
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Come join us for our May 2020 Business Meeting at the Winter Garden Pizza Company.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, our meeting has temporarily changed locations.
We will be meeting on May 19th, 2020 at the Winter Garden Pizza Company, 42 W Plant St, Winter Garden, Fl 34787.
IMPORTANT: Our meeting will be starting early this month at 6pm. The Libertarian National Committee Region 2 Caucus will occur electronically during our business meeting. The Caucus is called to choose our Region 2 Representative and Alternate for the next two years. Our business meeting will occur around the caucus so we can participate together.
Floridians call for an end to DeSantis’ Shutdown A growing number of responsible Floridians will join together to call for an end to the Gov. Ron DeSantis mandated damage to the Florida economy. The first of these events is in Orlando tomorrow seeking to let Orange County and lawmakers statewide know that the people have had enough and they want to go back to work. We expect more to follow as Americans come to realize the irresponsible “cure” is already worse than the “illness” for most. In a recent open letter to DeSantis, Re-Open Florida: Orange County organizer Tara Hill wrote “Governor DeSantis, your constituents are emphatically compelling you to honor your oath to uphold The Constitution of the United States of America and re-open Florida so that we may not only preserve the lives of Floridians, but so we may preserve our right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness as well.” The Libertarian Party of Florida, since it was founded in 1974, supports the free will of every person to make responsible choices for themselves and on behalf of those around them. If being responsible means social distancing and wearing masks and gloves to protect ourselves and others, we encourage it based on medical evidence. But personal security does not mean shutting down our economy. Summarily closing society: businesses, schools, free commerce, will produce damage to our society long after the medical concerns have been addressed. A growing number of businesses are permanently shuttering, their owners and employees joining the millions already left to fend for themselves in this dystopian landscape mandated by President Trump, DeSantis and most governors. Billions of illusionary dollars in “stimulus checks” will do nothing to replenish the damage done. We encourage each of you to join together with your fellow freedom friends and let Orange County, Florida and the world know enough is enough. Let us be responsible again. In Orlando, the rally will be in front of the Orange County Administration Building, 201 S Rosalind Ave, from 3:30 pm to 5 pm. For more information, please see Re-Open Florida: Orange County’s Facebook page: Re-Open Florida: Orange County ** This event is not hosted by the Libertarian Party of Orange County. Please check out the host’s event page for full information. |
On January 21st, 2020 The Libertarian Party of Orange County passed the following resolution:
“The LPOC endorses the Commemoration of the Centennial of the tragic massacre of Black Ocoee Citizens that occurred in 1920. The LPOC opposes racism in any form and supports harmony among all citizens.“
This resolution was delivered by Chairman Ralph Groves on February 4th, 2020 to Mayor Johnson and the City of Ocoee Commission Members.
For those interested in learning more about the tragic events of Election Day 1920, there is an exhibit on display at the Orange County Regional History Center that runs though January 3rd, 2021. Information on the exhibit can be found below.
Come join us for our February 2020 Business Meeting featuring Deacon Fred Molina.
Deacon Fred Molina was the first director of the Diocese of Orlando Human Trafficking Task Force, which began in 2014. The task force educates the community to detect human trafficking victims and empowers the community to end trafficking and support survivors for their recovery. The task force has 80 members who train people in parishes and schools to recognize labor and sexually trafficked people and how to help them. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops uses the diocesan model nationwide to set up other task forces.
Check out the Diocese of Orlando Human Trafficking Task Force at: https://www.facebook.com/DOHTTF/
We will be meeting on February 18th, 2020 at the Orlando Brewing at 1301 Atlanta Ave, Orlando, Fl 32806
All are welcome to the social and to hear our Featured Speaker as well to attend the Business Meeting which will follow.
Come join us for our January 2020 Business Meeting featuring Frank Blanco for Florida House District 44.
Check out his website at: https://www.blancoforhouse.com/
We will be meeting on January 21st, 2020 at the Orlando Brewing at 1301 Atlanta Ave, Orlando, Fl 32806
All are welcome to the social and to hear our Featured Speaker as well to attend the Business Meeting which will follow.
Come join us for our December 2019 Business Meeting featuring Izzy Aly from Kronotiq Media, LLC.
“Izzy Aly is the founder, owner, and current president of Kronotiq Media as well as the author of ‘Solving the Millennial Puzzle: A guidebook to modern marketing.’ He will be speaking about his book, the latest updates on social media outreach efforts within the LPF and how these new concepts and techniques could be tailored to benefit the Libertarian Party of Orange County. He will also be discussing common issues affecting social media outreach and growth on politically biased platforms, as well as possible solutions to those issues.”
Check out his book at: www.millennialpuzzle.com/
We will be meeting on December 17th, 2019 at the Village Inn Restaurant at 3130 Daniels Road, Winter Garden, Fl 34787.
All are welcome to the social and to hear our Featured Speaker as well to attend the Business Meeting which will follow.