6 April 2022

            Libertarian Party of Orange County
     PO Box 679334
    Orlando, Fl 32867

            Correspondence: secretary@lporangefl.org

To: Florida House Representatives & Florida Senators whose districts include Orange County


Libertarian Party of Orange County

The Libertarian Party of Orange County supports Parental Rights in Education (House Bill 1557).  Among its provisions, we agree that parents should be notified and involved in decisions affecting their children’s mental, emotional, and physical well-being.  In addition, we agree that it is correct to prohibit classroom discussion about sexual and gender matters for pre-pubescent children.  Classroom focus should be on skills needed for future employment and civic life, e.g. math, sciences, and humanities.  Sexual/gender topics can be discussed in high school biology classes when children are pubescent.  In summary, we Libertarians believe it is correct that parents should have greater oversight over their children’s education while protecting children from topics that are not age-appropriate.  Of note, most Floridians agree with Parental Rights in Education, including 69% of Republicans, 62% of Democrats and 57% of Independents.  In conclusion, we Libertarians reiterate our preference for a school voucher/backpack/fund students system to further empower parents as to the schools their children attend.

Ralph Groves
Libertarian Party of Orange County